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9:  Student Holiday

11:  Boosterthon Pep Rally/Kickoff

12:  4th Gr. Field Trip to Symphony

12:  Late night Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8PM

13:  Report cards go home

17:  Late night Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8PM

20:  4th Gr. Color Fun Run at 1:45 PM

23-27:  Red Ribbon Week

November 1:  Picture retakes

November 2:  Writing Benchmark

Welcome to

4th Grade Writing & Science!



Our Schedule


8:00- Announcements

8:05- Tardy Bell

8:05-8:35  SMART Time

8:40-9:35  Specials

9:35- Snack time

9:35-11:00  Class 1

11:00-12:15  Class 2

12:20-12:50  Lunch

12:50-1:20  Recess

1:20-1:30  Finish Class 2

1:30-2:50  Class 3

2:55  Begin Dismissal



Information at a Glance...



Homework is assigned on Friday and due the following Friday.  Writing and Reading alternate weeks.


Our lunch is at 12:20.  Remember that parent/guardians and your emergency contacts are the only adults allowed to eat with your child unless there has been written permission. 


Please send a written note stating any transportation changes to school with your child. There will not be any transportation changes after 2:00. 


As time permits, students are welcome to eat a snack each day after they return from Specials (around 9:30AM).  Please avoid messy snacks such as Cheetos or fruit cups with juice.  Items such as pretzels, animal crackers, granola bars, and carrot sticks make great snacks.  Your child may also bring a water bottle to class.


Our PE days are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  Remember to wear your tennis shoes!


Birthday Treats

Feel free to bring a birthday treat for your child during the last 10 minutes of lunch.  Conroe ISD policy does not allow home-baked items to be passed out to the class.  Unopened store-bought treats are fine.

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